Quality, Environmental, Safety & Training
At Drilcorp we operate an integrated set of systems covering Quality, Environmental, Safety & Training.
We are an established industry leader who are committed to the protection of people and the environment and the prevention of harm from our operations. The senior leadership team are committed to meeting all relevant legislation and compliance obligations associated with the business. To demonstrate our commitment to continual improvement we have implemented the following strategy;
Operating a Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Management System meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 9001:2015 international standards.
Adopting a proactive risk-based approach towards health, safety, environmental and quality management.
Demonstrating effective leadership and promoting the benefits of the integrated management system.
Provision of training, instruction and supervision of staff.
Complying with applicable health, safety and environmental legislation and other applicable compliance obligations.
Completing risk assessments on our business operations.
Evaluating our compliance on a periodic basis.
Assigning roles and responsibilities regarding health, safety, environmental and quality management.
Assigning roles and responsibilities regarding health, safety, environmental and quality management.
Eliminating hazards and reducing Health, Safety and Environmental risks.
Setting of business objectives to assist in continual improvement of business performance and the reduction of risk.
Consulting with employees regarding health, safety, environmental and quality management applicable to their functions.
Encourage employee participation in the development and improvement of workplace and environmental management.
Identifying and understanding customer requirements and ensuring that all employees are aware of their importance for the company’s success.
Consistently reviewing systems, implementing continuous improvements where possible.
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