Thank you note from Drilcorp after collecting 68.3kg food for Sunderland foodbank | Drilcorp

In August 2018 Drilcorp dontated a a weeks worth of shopping to the Sunderland Foodbank to help with the crisis facing Sunderland Families during the school holidays.

Following our donation we have just received a certificate with the statistics of what difference our donation has made.

We collected 68.3kg of food and provided 162 meals to families.

The Sunderland Foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in the local area. It opened in November 2017 after it was seen that there was a real need to support those in crisis in the Sunderland area. Since opening it has received support from the Council and local businesses and supermarkets across the region and uses the goods it receives to supply collection points in the Sunderland area.

A simple box of food makes a BIG difference to someone in crisis.

The emergency packages provide three days’ worth of nutritionally balanced food, helping to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

So what can you expect to receive in the packages?

A standard food package includes:

Item – Allocation (one person/family 5+)

Cereal – 1 small/1 large

Soup (can/packet) – 2 standard/6 standard

Beans/spaghetti in sauce – 1 standard/6 standard

Tomatoes/pasta sauce – 1 standard/ 6 standard

Vegetables – 1 standard/5 standard

Meat – 1 standard/4 standard

Or Vegetarian – 1 standard/2standard

Fish – 1 standard/5 standard

Fruit – 1 standard/3 standard

Rice Pudding/custard – 1 standard/3 standard

Sponge Pudding – -/2 standard

Biscuits – 1 small pk/1 large pk

Sugar – 250g/1kg

Pasta – 500g/2kg

Instant Mash – 1 pkt/2pkt

Tea or coffee – 40 bags/160 bags

Juice – 1 carton/1 carton

Milk UHT/powder – 1 carton/pkt – 3 cartons/1 pkt

Sauces – 1 pkt/1 pkt

Chocolate/snacks – 1/3

Jam – -/1

More information on how to donate, volunteer or get involved can be found at:


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