Conrad Combi 300 drilling rig for Geothermal Boreholes | Drilcorp

Drilcorp has been pressing ahead with minesource projects over the last years becoming the company to go-to for successful projects utilising disused mine workings as a resource for geothermal district heating network schemes.


The Gateshead District Energy Scheme 

As can be seen from Gateshead District’s website, this highly successful scheme which has won awards for its visionary concept is now running and servicing a large area of Gateshead. 

Drilcorp assisted in the design of the mine borehole system. We then constructed and tested all exploration and production boreholes and then provided and installed the borehole pumping system. 

The 6megawatt heat network supplies a range of buildings including Gateshead College, the Baltic Arts Centre, 350 council owned homes. Future additions will include 270 privately owned homes, a new conference centre and a hotel development. 


Lanchester Wines Gateshead

Lanchester Wines, wine merchant and importer has three warehouses in Gateshead, two of which are close to the River Tyne and have been installed with a 4megawatt open loop minesource and heat pump system.

Drilcorp has constructed Minewater abstraction boreholes pumping water from deep in the disused mineworkings beneath the site. 

Drilcorp has also deconstructed poorly performing recharge boreholes and then modified and reconstructed them to become efficient and ensure that the system is working perfectly. 

The green energy programme is putting our coal mining heritage to a good use and there is a great scope for the future.

Drilcorp has also installed minesource observation sites with highly technical scientific technology into boreholes connected to coal mine workings.

Drilcorp's Combi 300 GT | Drilcorp

UK Geo-energy Observatories Glasgow

Drilcorp drilled and tested boreholes penetrating abandoned and flooded mineworkings at depths of 40 90mbgl. The sites are all situated in research compounds and have extensive surface monitoring capabilities. 


Living Lab Gateshead Multiple monitoring boreholes 

Drilcorp has constructed and installed Gateshead Living Labs monitoring boreholes for the Coal Authority. The boreholes are fitted with scientific sensors designed to monitor the interaction (both thermal and hydrogeological) between the Gateshead District Energy Scheme and Lanchester Wines Minesource sites.


Contact Us

To find out more about Minesource services provided by Drilcorp, please get in touch via or by calling 0191 5273970.

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