Drilcorp's new project manager | Drilcorp

We are delighted to welcome Dionne, who has joined us as Project Manager of our Geotechnical Exploration Services (GES) and Drilcorp Drilling Services (DDS) divisions.

Dionne brings a wealth of oil and gas industry experience to our business. In her new role, she will be taking care of materials, project management, client correspondence, and financial and clerical work. She will work across both site and office in this varied role, and liaise closely with Scott Burt, who heads up our GES division.

Dionne’s career began at the age of 17, when she worked as a clerk at a Global Producer 3 rig in South Shields. Working at the shipyard, she learnt a great deal about floating facilities; drilling rigs in semi-submersibles; ship-building; maintenance; forecasting and much more.

Her career highlight so far is the project management of a high-profile £2m wind turbine project. Dionne led on this for six months and its success was a proud moment for her.

Dionne commented: “I’m really enjoying my role so far. I love that no two projects at Drilcorp are the same; there is always a variety of locations, clients, sites, materials and equipment. One of my favourite parts of the job is attending building meetings with suppliers, and developing our relationships with them. We have a great team at Drilcorp and I’m looking forward to working in the office and on-site to deliver exciting projects.”

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