Scott Burt & Michael Bushby after successfully completing their Management Catalyst Training at Teesside University | Drilcorp

Scott Burt and Michael Bushby successfully completed their Management Catalyst Training at Teesside University this week so here’s a quick interview with Scott to tell you all about it.

Who is it for?

The Management Catalyst Training is for senior managers who are looking to take a more strategic role in the business.

How do you learn?

The course was a combination of an overnight experiential, think tanks and business scrums. Coaches from professionals, university lecturers and specialists covered problem solving, managing change, confidence building and networking. The methods used both practical hand son and open discussion as well as PowerPoint.

What Difference has it made to you?

Scott Burt said “ it has given me more confidence when dealing with people and a different way of thinking about the business. We used business models and team learning on managing change and how to network more successfully.

Mike said “It made me understand that not everyone knows the plan and not to keep people in the dark but think things through”

What was the best or most useful thing that you learned?

Time management was a key area of the course and I think this will assist me in my day to day role. Using problem solving techniques and prevention measures will enable me to prepare better for the future and spend more time on business growth, while also helping me to delegate tasks and having more free time to work with staff.

Michael Busby said “The best thing was learning how to network and dealing with difficult conversations.”

How will it change the way you work?

In my role I will now be more proactive and organised. I have a better understanding of other peoples experiences and their roles in the business.

Mike said “It will make me think before reacting and not to rush into things”

Would you recommend it and why?

I think anyone who is a manager should attend this course. It has given me a more open minded approach to change and helped to promote team work. It has made me a more confident manager and given me the chance to experience other peoples view and issues.

The course was the right mix of subjects and methods and was well balanced. There were people from all different backgrounds and industries which made it really interesting.

Mike said “I would recommend it as I managed to get a night away from the wife in a luxury retreat, as a bonding process with the learners and tutors. It was a fantastic course and I learned things without knowing it”

For more information please visit.

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