people in a board room discussing Envireau Water | Drilcorp

Envireau Water is the UK’s leading water resources consultancy specialising in the development, management and regulation of independent water supplies.

Whether you are considering developing a new water supply, looking for ways to manage an existing one more effectively, or rehabilitate an old or abandoned supply, then the team at Envireau Water has the right level of technical and regulatory expertise necessary to take care of every detail of your project.

Their collaborative team comprises geologists, hydrologists, hydrogeologists and water management specialists, with over 20 years of experience in the following key sectors:

  • Agriculture and Horticulture
  • Food and Drink
  • Quarrying and mining
  • Built Environment
  • Oil and Gas
  • Manufacturing and Pharmaceuticals

The collaborative team extends to DrilCorp and working together we can deliver a high quality engineered solution that meets all the regulatory requirements.

Envireau Water succeeds where others fail, with a proven track record of developing and implementing pragmatic, cost effective solutions. The services they offer include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Borehole design and specification
  • Drilling and test-pumping supervision
  • Data analysis and reporting
  • Hydrogeological impact assessments
  • Design and installation of monitoring systems
  • Private Water Supply Risk Assessments
  • Environment Agency and other regulatory liaison and negotiation
  • Abstraction licensing, permitting and appeals

It has always been their policy to discuss queries on the phone without obligation or charge. If you need expert guidance on the management or regulation of a natural water system, get in touch on 01332 871 882 or You can also keep up to date with the latest industry news and developments for FREE by signing up for Envireau Knowledge at

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