Our contracts manager Scott Burt who heads up our GES division attended the British Drilling Associations 40th Annual General Meeting on 5th April, held in the Jaguar Suite at The Ricoh Arena Coventry.

Scott was invited to join the Management Committee which involved meeting the panel members and chairman, where the BDA covered newly appointed people, finance, training, marketing, safety and education.

Scott will attend the management meetings on a quarterly basis to discuss changes in the industry, new legislation, future plans and best practice for the industry.

Scott commented “the meeting was a huge success and he is looking forward to seeing the new ideas and plans which will be rolled out over the coming months.”

He enjoyed meeting the professional team within the BDA and will enjoy the challenges that his position will bring as a member of the management committee.

The meeting was followed by a seminar on Constructing Health and Wellbeing which was attended by professional speakers highlighting the importance of awareness and compliance within the industry. The attendees included HS2, Thames Water, Skanska and Pristine condition and more.

Scott said that “the seminar on Manual Handling given by Pristine was excellent and put a modern twist on every day techniques within our industry.”

Drilcorp GES are advocates of the scheme and ensure that all our employees meet with the guidelines given by Constructing Better Health. We are also going through the process of being audited for the ISO 18001 and continue to promote awareness of a healthier happier workforce.




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