Domestic Private Water Supply | Living in a Rural Area

Water supplies from Springs in rural areas can be sporadic at best and the risk of contamination from animals dead or alive is quite high, so it is a much better option to invest in your own water supply. The costs can be surprisingly low for a system that will provide you with water at a continuous flow rate and pressure, regardless of season.

Last month we had a call from a lady in the Dales who had water supply problems. The supply was erratic and some days there was not enough pressure to fill the sink let alone run a bath. Her washing machine was taking 8 hours to do a wash and the water from the tap tasted terrible not to mention the insects which were in it. With winter approaching and the nights drawing in she needed a reliable water supply as the endless trips to the neighbours well were starting to take its toll dressed in wellington boots and a torch.

She had concerns over the access to her property and needed a drilling rig which could operate on a hillside in a restricted area. That’s when she called Drilcorp.

Drilcrop can carry out a site survey with positive results and in less than a few days you could have access to an unlimited, constant flow, great tasting water supply.

We have an extensive range of equipment including small but powerful rigs which can operate in confined areas such as private gardens which minimal disruption. Expensive features such as lawns and paving are protected using specially designed site saver boards which are quickly laid to allow safe access.

Drilcorp work nationally around the country from the Highlands and Islands to the Lakes, Dales and Peak District.

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