herd of sheep in a field looking for water supply | Drilcorp

Climate change and water scarcity are becoming increasingly pressing issues. Farmers are feeling the heat and are looking for ways to secure their water supply and reduce their dependence on public water systems.

One solution that has been gaining traction in recent years is the use of private water supplies, such as water supply boreholes. In this article, we’ll explore why more farms are turning to private water supplies and the benefits they offer.

Key Takeaways

  • Installing a private borehole reduces long-term water bills, often paying for itself in a few years, especially for high-consumption farms.
  • Private water supplies offer consistent and reliable water, crucial for drought-prone or unstable areas which reduces dependence on public systems.
  • Boreholes enhance property value by providing an independent, reliable water source, making farms more attractive to buyers.
  • Private boreholes reduce carbon footprints and conserve water by tapping directly into sustainable underground sources.

Why Farms Are Opting for Private Water Supplies 

There are several reasons why farms are increasingly opting for private water supplies

Firstly, with the weather becoming more and more unpredictable and droughts becoming more frequent, farmers need a water source they can count on. Private water supplies offer just that — a steady and reliable source of water for crops and livestock.

Secondly, the cost of public water supplies can be a significant burden for farms, particularly those that require large amounts of water for irrigation or livestock. By investing in a private water supply, farms can reduce their water bills and have more control over their water usage.

Finally, there are environmental benefits to using private water supplies. By reducing their reliance on public water systems, farms can do their part in conserving water resources and reducing the strain on local ecosystems.

Benefits of Private Water Supplies for Farms 

There are several key benefits that farms can enjoy when they switch to private water supplies:

  • Increased water security

With a private water supply, farms have access to a reliable source of water that is not subject to the same restrictions and limitations as public water systems. This can be particularly important during times of drought or water scarcity.

  • Reduced dependency on public water systems

By having their own water supply, farms can reduce their dependence on public water systems and the associated costs. This can provide greater financial stability and allow farms to invest in other areas of their business.

  • Economic advantages

Private water supplies can offer significant economic advantages for farms. Not only can they reduce water bills, but if the farm has excess water, they can even sell it to other users for a tidy profit.

Clean water running from domestic water well | Drilcorp

Setting Up a Private Water Supply for Your Farm

If you’re considering setting up a private water supply for your farm, here are the steps you’ll need to take:

  • The first step is to assess your water needs and determine if a private water supply is doable for your farm. This means considering things like your location, geology, and the type of crops or livestock you have.
  • Once you’ve determined that a private water supply is right for your farm, the next step is to contact a professional drilling company like Drilcorp. Our team of experts can provide advice on the best type of water supply for your needs, as well as handle the installation process from start to finish.

If you’re considering setting up a private water supply for your farm, our team at Drilcorp is here to help. With over 30 years of experience in providing water well drilling solutions for both domestic and commercial applications, we have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the process and ensure that you have a reliable source of water for your farm. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make the switch to a private water supply.

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